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Terms & Conditions


The creators hereby absolves itself of any responsibility concerning potentially sensitive content in the books that may result in offense to readers, particularly with regards to matters of religion, race, gender, politics, sexuality, disability, or the use of vulgar language.

Online Book Display Duration:

Books will be made available on the website for a period of one year. For continued display, users are suggested to renew their display plan as suggested on the website.

Continued Display:

Upon completion of the initial one-year period, charges will be applicable if you wish to retain your book on the website.

Page Composition Guidelines:

To ensure a visually harmonious layout, it is recommended that authors structure their story across pages with even numbers (e.g., 2, 4, 6, 8). Failure to adhere to this guideline may result in an unintentional blank page.

Spelling Accuracy:

Rectification of spelling errors or any other editing service shall not be undertaken or provided by the creator.

Copyright Ownership:

The creator retains full ownership of the copyrights of the books. For transferred ownership, separate charges will be applicable.

Content Moderation:

The creator reserves the right to review and moderate submitted content to ensure compliance with the website's guidelines and policies. They reserve the right to remove or decline the publication of any content that violates these guidelines.

Promotion and Marketing:

At their sole discretion, the creator may engage in promotional and marketing activities for the product kit sold utilizing various channels such as social media, email newsletters, and advertisements. However, they do not guarantee any specific level of promotion or exposure for any particular book published.

Termination of Services:

The publisher retains the right to suspend or terminate the availability of any book on the website, for reasons including, but not limited to, guideline violations, intellectual property infringement, or legal obligations.


Your child's data/content is safe with us. We want to assure you that we are committed to maintaining the privacy and security of your child's information. We do not share, sell, or distribute any personal data or content provided by your child without your consent. Protecting your child's privacy is our utmost priority."

The author will be the self-publisher of the book.
Display colour changes as the media platform change
Providing Hard bound book is not possible as the number of pages are less.(Center pinning only for SetMyBook Basic)

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